By Anniyah Rizvi


Stale air kisses cold skin

shuddering against the vague dawn
bundled and broken,
the fading dust of a crumbling day
lingers on parted lips,
it nestles under liquid eyes.
Yellowing memories sigh as they
fold, crinkle and bend
under the firm fist of time
the mind dies and is reborn again and again and again.

The Coriolis Effect

She drifts forward, onward, skyward

to brush against the phantom purpose
eluding her eager grasp
the heavens flutter and sway
spurred by the gentle warmth of a whim
dread twirls in her stomach as
her body is dispelled, dispersed
like glitter
the moment lingers and waits as
she rises,
restores her trembling form
and mounts the soaring dawn

Anniyah Rizvi is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of Words With Weight, a youth literary magazine that challenges teens to deliver innovative pieces centered around themes of social justice, politics, and personal identity. In her free time, she enjoys playing music, marvelling over beautiful prose, and studying philosophy, law, and politics. Unfortunately for her, her monstrous pile of homework ensures that she doesn’t get much free time.

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