By Solape Adetutu Adeyemi

My Dearest London,

As I sit here and contemplate the depths of my affection for you, it becomes clear that my heart has been utterly captured by your mesmerizing air and aesthetics. London, you are like no other, and in your embrace, I have found a love that knows no bounds.

The first time I set foot in your magnificent city, I was overwhelmed by the air that surrounded me. It was as if I could taste the history and culture that lingered in every breath. The air in London is a symphony of scents, a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. From the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers in Kew Gardens to the tantalizing aroma of street food wafting through Borough Market, every breath I take in your air is a reminder of the diverse tapestry of life that thrives within your borders.

But it is not just the scents that enrapture me; it is the very essence of your aesthetics that leaves me spellbound. Your architecture is a testament to centuries of human creativity and innovation. The ancient stone facades of Westminster Abbey stand tall beside the gleaming glass skyscrapers of the City of London, creating a stunning juxtaposition of old and new. The sight of the iconic Tower Bridge, with its Gothic grandeur and the modern allure of the Shard in the backdrop, never fails to take my breath away.

Your streets are a labyrinth of history and art, with each corner revealing a new facet of your character. Strolling along the cobbled paths of Covent Garden, I am serenaded by street performers and surrounded by the laughter of people from all corners of the world. Your museums and galleries are a treasure trove of beauty and knowledge, from the classical elegance of the British Museum to the contemporary wonders of the Tate Modern.

It is in your parks that I find solace and serenity. Hyde Park, with its vast green expanses, offers a haven of tranquillity in the heart of your bustling city. The gentle rustling of leaves in Kensington Gardens and the serenading birds in St. James's Park are like a lullaby that soothes my soul.

But it is not just the tangible aesthetics that captivate my heart. It is the intangible allure of your spirit, the way you embrace diversity and celebrate individuality. The people of London, a tapestry of cultures and backgrounds, have opened their hearts to me, and I have found a sense of belonging that I never knew before.

As the sun sets over your horizon, and the city lights begin to twinkle, I am reminded of the timeless beauty that you possess. Your nights are alive with the hum of city life, and I am often lost in the enchanting glow of your streets.

London, you are a place of dreams, a realm of endless wonder, and in your air and aesthetics, I have found a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space. My heart belongs to you, and I will forever cherish the moments we share, the memories we create, and the love that we hold dear 

Yours eternally

Solape Adetutu Adeyemi

Solape Adetutu Adeyemi is a dedicated professional with a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology and a Master’s in Environmental Management. She is a passionate environmental sustainability enthusiast and a talented creative writer, with her works published in esteemed journals and magazines, including Writenow Literary Journal, TV Metro, Poetry Marathon Anthology, and The Guardian newspaper, among others.

With over a decade of experience, Solape has excelled in various roles within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. Her commitment to environmental causes aligns with her belief that everyone can contribute to saving our planet.

Beyond her professional life, Solape enjoys watching action movies and immersing herself in whale documentaries. Her diverse interests reflect her curiosity about the world and her commitment to learning.

Currently, Solape serves as the Secretary of the Association of Nigerian Authors in Lagos, Nigeria, where she continues to contribute to the literary and cultural landscape of her community. Her dedication to both her professional career and her advocacy for environmental sustainability demonstrates her multifaceted talents and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact in the world.

One thought on “Love Letter to London

  1. A beautiful write up on London. London has that grace, charm with its well preserved culture. I too felt the same when I visited London last year. It’s so enchanting.and it’s so magical that one feels the past walking by your side. Solope, you have brought back nostalgia in my heart. Stay blessed.


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